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​De Novo Harriers Elections - 11/12/24

President - Letter of Intent

October 3, 2024
To the Board of Directors:
I request that you include my name on the November 14, 2024 Election ballot for the position of
President. I intend to “run” as it would be my continued privilege to give back to this organization that provides ridiculous support so unconditionally.

By way of introduction of those club members who do not know me, my wife Sandy and I live in Wyckoff and have two children – Laura (27) and Tim (25). Professionally, I am Chief Technical and Sustainability Officer for an ocean shipping company, responsible for the safe operation of a fleet of 80 oil tankers. I started running in 2012 by undertaking a Couch to 5k style program by myself on a treadmill. I ran my first marathon a year later and have since run nine more.

On a very hot Saturday morning in August 2018, I “ran” into Peter Tomaszewski and Nicole Aubuchon (with Dory!) at Otto Pehl, where they were manning a Harriers membership drive tent. That afternoon, I sent in my membership fee and two weeks later, I joined my first group run where Jacqueline was waiting for me with open arms. Since then, Sandy and I have taken part in and enjoyed numerous club events – races, parties, Zooms, group runs, B2F activities – and made great friends. I joined the Board as Officer at Large and then Secretary in 2020.


Thank you for considering my application and looking forward to ridiculously supporting the Club in anyway that I can.

Best regards,


Bill Nugent

Secretary - Letter of Intent

To the Members of the De Novo Harriers


I have been an active member of the Harriers since June  2015 when I anxiously enrolled in the beginner to 5K program. That initial program and my participation in the Harriers since then has changed my life in so many positive ways. It has helped me maintain a healthy

lifestyle and I have made lifelong friends, who are part of my running family.


One of the many things I love about the Harriers is the camaraderie amongst the members.

We are not just members of a club but we are friends who support one another. This friendship can be seen on the running path, as well as social events. Shortly after I joined the club in 2015, I began serving on the Social Committee and have been serving as a committed member since. I actively organize the social committee meetings, type up our discussions, and then organize the events themselves.


As of 2024, I have been on the board serving in an at-large position. I communicate with the board about social events, as well as write postcards to help support our members. When needed, I have taken notes at board meetings to ensure continuity. If I’m elected, I’ll work closely with the board members to continue the tradition of

Ridiculous support and giving back.


Thank you for your support.


Julie Gordon

At-Large - Letter of Intent

I, Dennis Gordon, am seeking election to the position of At-Large Member for the De Novo Harriers Board. I have been a member of the Harriers since May of 2015 and an enthusiastic runner for more than 30 years. While I certainly enjoy the individual benefits running has provided me, I truly have a passion for the sport and those who participate in it. To strengthen those connections and support others in their pursuits, I am also a certified running coach, working proudly with both individuals and the participants of our Intermediate Running Programs. 


As the De Novo Harriers is a part of the New Jersey running community I have worked to make connections with other runners and organizations through personal connections.


When not running I am focused on my role as a summer camp administrator and part-time running coach. Each of these positions offers the opportunity to work with a variety of people and greater levels of responsibility. I look forward to being a part of the future of the Harriers. 


Thank you for considering me for the position of At-Large Board member of the De Novo Harriers.

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